Exclusive Interview – Matt Geise -Lower Definition

A NateShealy.com Exclusive Interview

With: Matt Geise – Lead Vocals for Lower Definition

I had another great opportunity to interview one of the members in one of my top bands. Matt Geise is the lead vocals for Lower Definition a great band that’s not recognized by main stream media. I first saw Lower Definition at a show with another one of my favorite bands, Dance Gavin Dance. Their show was brilliant and as soon as their set finished I rushed over to their merch stand and purchased their albums.

On with the interview….

Photo by Lush Beat click to view their homepage.

When did you really start playing music seriously?

Geise: I was about 4. My parents got me singing and bought me a drumset and a guitar.

Were family/friends supportive when you decided to attempt to make it in a band?

My Family has always been involved in my music. Friends have been a big influence. There’s fairweathers, but for the most part everyone surrounding has been very supportive. 

As a lead vocalist, how important is warming up/warming down your voice?

Geise: Very important! I sing all day everyday before and after the show.

As a musician, where do you stand on the topic of downloading music?

Geise: I think it’s good it helps get our name out quicker! But if you really enjoy a band, support them so they can keep doing it! 

What are your main musical influences?

Geise: I listen to a lot of old R&B. I’m also into Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. I’ve been listening to a lot of Drake and Kanye lately. I’m also really diggin the new Minus The Bear. 

What are your thoughts on this auto-tune craze that seems to be trending in some hardcore music?

Geise: I don’t care. I wouldn’t listen to it, but it’s obviously pertaining to someone else cause it’s still circulating. 

How important would you say live performance is rather than quality of studio recording? 

Geise: I think they’re both equally important but they’re different focuses and different worlds. 

What goes into writing a collaborative song? Where do you start?

Geise: Ummm? All songs are collaborative. It’s all a group thing. You can have an amazing singer and a terrible band and it’ll still be terrible. 

If you could pick one band to tour with, who would it be?

Geise: I would really like to tour with Pierce the Veil. I’ve watched them since I was 14 and have watched them grow ever since. They’re all amazing dudes and have so much natural talent. They have a new record coming out it’s called “Selfish Machines” make sure to check it out.

Justin Bieber, thoughts?

Geise: I like him. I think he’s good I’m stoked for him!  I can’t totally vibe out on his songs being I’m 23 and he’s 15 but one day I’ll definitely be bumpin him on the regular. 

What was the best place you’ve played at while on tour?

Geise: Texas , Washington, Canada and of course California!

What advice would you give the kid who is torn between college and full dedication to music? Do you think it’s possible to balance both?

Geise: It’s possible. Anything is possible. Most kids don’t realize that they can do whatever they put there minds to. Whatever your willing to give is what you WILL get back. You just have to physically do it! 

What are some of the hardships of being in a band with 4 or 5 other people?

Geise: There isn’t any problems anymore. Everyones on the same page and know what’s expected. We all push each other to be better and handle ourselves like professionals. 

Many people think that our music industry is flooded with “cookie cutter” bands who all sound the same, would you agree? If so, any suggestions to fix this problem?

Geise: Yeah there is. I can’t really say. People like what they like and have every right to do what they want. Doesn’t mean everyone has to like it or be a part of it.

What are your thoughts on side projects? Can they be detrimental to a band?

Geise: Side projects are cool. Sometimes it helps the band and in some cases it ruins bands. 

With today’s technology and ease of marketing yourself, do you think record labels are necessary?

Geise: Eh. Yeah nooo yeaaaaah no hahaha it all depends on the label and the passion behind the team.

Is there a meaning to the name of your band, Lower Definition?

Geise: Yea. Lower definition of tiiiight!! Yayeee!! Haha

When can we expect a new Lower Definition album to release?

Geise: Were going into the studio end of august so early 2011 most likely.

What are some ways we can support un-signed/non-mainstream bands?

Geise: Buy records! Go to shows! Tell them you love them! And make sure they know you appreciate what they’re doing! 

How important would you say networking is for a band?

Geise: It’s really important if the band is touring. Not very important for a band who just plays for the love of it. 

Do you play any instruments besides vocals?

Geise: I’m a musician give me a any instrument and I’ll get you something out of it.

At what point as a musician would you say you’ve “made it” (have become successful)?

Geise: When you’re happy and truly Back hat you’re playing. Money’s nice and all but life happiness and experience is the greatest payment.

Lady GaGa, thoughts?

Geise: Cool.

I’m sure you’ve been involved/witnessed your fair share of band drama, what would you say to the other people experiencing the same type of problems?

Geise: Fuck em. If they don’t want to be there. Get someone who does.

What are you most disappointed with when it comes to mainstream music?

Geise: Sean Paul really annoys me. 

How can we stay in touch with current events in Matt Geise’s music career? 
Geise: Twitter.com/Geisematt www.myspace.com/lowerdefinition we also have facebook and Twitter and I have a personal myspace.

On my blog, I have something called Nate’s Mix Tape Monday in which I feature one song, what would your feature be that you would like the world to hear?

Geise: Rap: “Slow Jams” by Kanye West. Rock: “Animal Backwards” by Minus the Bear. 

What would you like to say to the world? Give us some musical advice.

Geise: We don’t wanna hear that weak sh$t no more!!! GET REAL!! Andddd THANKS we love you!!

Photo by Adot photography, click to view their homepage.

I’d like to personally thank Matt for taking the time to interview. Keep rockin’ I can’t wait until the new Lower Definition album, I’m sure it will be epic. If you get the chance to see Lower Definition live, I strongly recommend it, they put on a damn good show!


  1. I love Matt’s retort about being a musician: “I’m a musician give me a any instrument and I’ll get you something out of it.”


    • Yeah that’s an answer if I’ve ever heard one! Thanks for checking it out!

  2. My little brother is the BOMB…loved the interview…even though, I’m a year late….haha!

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